CFSTMA conducted its June Chapter Meeting via a Zoom Webinar June 24, 2021 having 25 attendees with 14 of them receiving 1.0 CEUs in the areas of….
- Private Applicator-Ag,
- Ornamental & Turf
- Limited Lawn & Ornamental,
- Commercial Lawn and Ornamental
Thomas Serensits, M.S. the coordinator of the NFL independent gameday playing surface testing program conducted the training session. Tom is currently the Manager of Penn State’s Center for Sports Surface Research.
The field inspection items that he discussed was field hardness and he identified hazards on and around the field to help us minimizing safety exposures and improvepl ayability. He reviewed techniques that helps remediate field hardness that focused on agronomic practices that helps produce a consistent playing surface. The presentation also focused on the use of the current field testing devices utilized in the industry.
To see the presentation click on the link below…