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Florida Chapter STMA helps purchase Nitrogen Plant Analyzer

The CFSTMA is proud to have played a part in contributing to the purchase of a Nitrogen Plant Analyzer (LECO 628) partnering with the South Florida Sports Turf Managers association contributing $ 3,300 each.  The Florida Golf Course Superintendent Association contributed the remaining balance to complete the purchase of the LECO 628.

This machine will be used cooperatively among turfgrass scientist research sites at the University of Florida.   This is a state-of-the-art machine that will place Florida above its University peers.  The LECO 628 Series Nitrogen uses “combustion” to analyze plant tissue  for a more rapid and accurate analysis.   The LECO 628 is superior to the current tissue analysis methods being employed.  With community awareness and the importance of  nitrogen use, the LECO 628 will provide turfgrass manager another tool for “scientifically based” Nitrogen applications.

Click here to view the “Thank You Letter” for CFSTMA’s contribution to this effort.

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