Welcome to CFSTMA

Nematode Management in Sports Fields

Jordan Hallet , Parks Supervsor and the City of St. Cloud where host to the Central Florida Sports Turf Managers Associationt at their Community Center Septermber 15, 2022.   They where gracious hosts to 35 professional and commercial sports turf managers with a superb nematode presentation conducted by  Lynn P. Griffith, Jr.  He provides consulting services for clients throughout the Gulf Coast, the Caribbean, and Latin America. He also serves as a horticultural consultant for numerous fertilizer, chemical, and potting soil companies.

A free 1.0 CEU’s was provided to CFSTMA Members in the area of:

  • Private Applicator-Ag,
  • Ornamental & Turf
  • Limited Lawn & Ornamental,
  • Commercial Lawn and Ornamental

Attendees partipated in commercial vendor prize drawings, a 50/50 cash give-a-way, a free member lunch and an informative site tour from William MCFadden, St. Clouds sports turf manager.















CFSTMA’s Board of Directors is busy palnning our next Chapter Meeting for December, date and times to be announced….


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