Steve Strickland, Athletic Field Manager with the City of Leesburg were host to the Central Florida Sports Turf Managers Association Decemberv 14, 2023. Fifty plus professional and commercial sports turf managers attended a lecture by Dr. Lambert (Bert) McCarty, the Professor of Turfgrass Science & Management with the College of Agrculture, Forestry and Life Sciences at Clemson University. He discussed the agronomic, cultural, and pest management strategies for controlling major weed pests in sports fields, especially on Southern turfgrasses. He included in the discussion, weed biology, herbicide mode-of-action, application timing, effective products, and new products coming on the market.. He emphasised the importance of integrated weed management which included herbicide timing, weed life cycles, and cultural control options. Special emphasis was on herbicide resistant weeds, how to identify them, and management options.
Twelve attendees signed up for CEU’s during the session.